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Dish no. 1 yellow gold - Raynaud

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Dish no. 1 yellow gold - Raynaud
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1,050.00 €

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Collection : Mineral irise or jaune
Size : 123 us oz - 22. 8 inches x 10 inches - h. 4. 1 inches
Reference : Miiorj031
Catégorie : Honeymoon

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Dish no. 1 yellow gold - Raynaud

  • Dish no. 1 yellow gold

  • Collection : Mineral irise or jaune
    Brand : Raynaud
    Classification : Honeymoon

    Reference : Miiorj031

    Delievry time (adverage) : 1 - 3 weeks

    The mineral irise or jaune collection: Collection honeymoon : Sleek, elegant designs for all occasions.
    Product : Dish Raynaud
    Collection : Mineral irise or jaune

    Product size : 123 us oz - 22. 8 inches x 10 inches - h. 4. 1 inches
    Finishing : No. 1 yellow gold

    Raynaud history :
    Raynaud a family story: Three generations who, since the 19th century, have perpetuated with great talent the limoges porcelain tradition.
    150 year-old references
    From president harrisson's 1892 plates to lady diana's or dustin hoffmann's, Raynaud can boast having had, from the start, many presidents, and celebrities among its customers, having designed creations for prestigious venues and having worked with a great number of artists.

    Know-how : Raynaud is today renowned for its very unique porcelain, perceived as a world-famous reference.
    Numerous stages are necessary to obtain fine, white porcelain. Mold, oven, glazing, decoration, polishing, all the steps are perfectly controlled by renaud for an exceptional limoges porcelain

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